The pictures from Facebook reviews found in the widget (‘review boxes’) are missing. For example:

The system sends out an automated email about this issue. (We advise that you put on the Safe Senders List to avoid emails ending up in spam folders.)
- Log into (Or if you are logged in, click ‘Connect platforms’.)
- You can already see the issue here:

Click the Solve button which lets you reestablish the connection between your Facebook page and Trustindex.
3. Click Save and you are done. You are now able to see your Facebook reviewers’ photos on Trustindex. Your reviews will soon update and contain the pictures as well.
This process takes only half a minute and 3 clicks.
This issue arises when the Facebook account that created the connection between the Facebook page and Trustindex changes its password or authority. Then the permission given by Facebook (providing data for Trustindex aka the reviews) is suspended, until the user renews it.
If you have any other issues or questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at!